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actions to re-instate natural
climate processes that
generate global average
temperatures and ocean
acidity that are safe for all
species and for civilisation.
(ie. preindustrial temperatures & acidity).
Safe Climate Restoration -
Key Areas of
Research & Analysis
Climate impact & risk assessment
Rapid emissions elimination
Large scale greenhouse gas drawdown
Innovation to prevent current & imminent harm
The National Centre for Climate Restoration (Breakthrough) is an independent think tank that develops critical thought leadership to influence the climate debate and policy making.
Breakthrough’s mission is to develop and promote strategy innovation and analysis that is essential to deliver safe climate restoration.
Safe climate restoration is defined as actions to re-instate natural climate processes that generate global average temperatures and ocean acidity that are safe for all species and for civilisation. (ie. preindustrial temperatures & acidity)
Time has run out for half measures and it is now imperative that work begins to restore safe climate conditions as fast as humanly possible - this will require action at emergency scale and speed.
Contributors and writers draw upon peer reviewed science to provide commentary and analysis on high end risk management issues and response pathways.
Breakthrough uses an overarching framework to guide its work across ethics, science, economics, politics and culture.
Breakthrough is a leading body in safe climate restoration and draws on local and international expertise. Breakthrough publishes innovative thinkers, produces original communications, and hosts thought-provoking events for a variety of audiences.
Breakthrough has been formed on a non-political party platform and is based in Australia.
Breakthrough is funded by private individual donations, and grants where available.
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